Monday, July 11, 2011

Blogging Binge!

Ok, everyone who knows me and ever checks the blog knows I'm terrible at posting. So, I found some time while both girls were sleeping to do a little blogging binge and do the full update on how we're doing. So, check the last 2 posts to find out all about our little London girl. We love her and are so proud of Taylor the big sister!


tracie said...

Blogging bing??? or Blogging binge. Either way, love the posts!!!

Evan and Rebecca Jones said...

Congrats on your beautiful baby girl! Evan was giving me what I like to call the "man" updates - never enough info for me so I'm glad to get the whole scoop. SOOO glad for y'all that London is home happy and healthy and doing so well. And here, I thought our baby girls would be a little closer with their birthdays. :)

She's so beautiful - congrats again!

Aaron & Robyn said...

Rebecca! I was just asking Stewy today when you were due. I hope she comes soon so they can have close b-days!