Saturday, January 28, 2012
Posted by Robyn & Aaron at 8:28 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Words to live by...
1. Be a good citizen.
-"Mommy, we're not supposed to go pee pee in the pool, we're supposed to go in the potty"
-This is also true for the tub, she always asks to get out to go "pee pee", love my girl.
-Pointing to the ground, "Mommy, who put their gum on the ground in the ice, we're not supposed to put our gum in the ice, we're supposed to put it in the trash"
-When Aaron flicked one of her toys off the table, Taylor responds: "Daddy, that's not nice, you're being a bad girl. Go to my room for a time out."
2. Sing and Dance often.
-"Head, shoulders, knees, and toes.....eyes, ears, mouth, and TOES"
-To the toon of families can be together forever, "I want to hit Lon-don, and take her binky all day" (ironic isn't it)
-"Mommy, want to hear a new song?" Taylor makes up songs all day long, seriously! I would say she is singing at least 50% of the day. We know she doesn't get that from her momma.
-Taylor likes to dance in front of the TV with music on, even caught her making up a dance the other day when I had classical music on, pretty inventive.
-Her best moves: the booty shake, the knee drop, and the arm swing move.
3. Be Honest
-"Mommy, I want some medicine". Referring to the cough drops that she loves for some reason and trys to steal at all costs. "But, Taylor you have to be coughing in order to get that medicine." Taylor replies, "Ugh Ugh, cough, cough. Mommy I am sick!" With a big grin, holding the bag of cough drops.
-We're at my in-law's house and Taylor walks down the stairs looking like she just got off a horse. Clearly had peed her pants. "Taylor what happened? Did the pee pee get anywhere?". "It get all over Bobby's carpet". She then re enacts the entire events of how she went on the carpet.
-I'm in the car with my mother-in-law and the girls and we're driving past a 7-11. Out of nowhere Taylor says.."Hey! I get donuts there with daddy yesterday. He said, shhh, don't tell mommy". BUSTED! My mother-in-law and I were both crying laughing, it was hilarious!
4. Bargain, when necessary
-"Mommy, I clean up my toys and you give me a treat?"
5. Pray Often
-"Heavenly Father, thank you day, thank you sister and cupcakes, thank you for toys, thank you Caesar (my in-law's dog), Jesus Christ, Amen." To then always be reminded to bless the food, it'll come someday.
-Most prayers consist of: "Heavenly Father, thank you day, thank you (favorite friend/relative of the day), Jesus Christ, Amen." All being said while trying to sneak the cheese off the dinner plate. Already good at multi-tasking!
6. Prepare for the temple
-"Taylor, who are you going to marry someday?"...Her response...Caillou!
-When grandma/grandpa were living here and gone one day Taylor asks where they were. "They're at the temple today Taylor." Taylor: "Oh, they're getting married there? Like me does someday?" (She is listening during family home evening!)
-"Taylor, did you know that tomorrow is the day that daddy and I were married 4 years ago?" Taylor sings completely on her own, "for all e-ter-ni-ty". Melted my little heart!
-"Taylor, when Jesus comes again one day, what are you going to say to him?" Taylor, "Thank you".
Posted by Robyn & Aaron at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The best $20 purchase I ever made...
Posted by Robyn & Aaron at 9:58 PM 4 comments
The Power of Santa
Posted by Robyn & Aaron at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
The Student's Wife..
Posted by Robyn & Aaron at 9:01 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
baths and "band-dands"
Posted by Robyn & Aaron at 7:14 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 11, 2011
Blogging Binge!
Ok, everyone who knows me and ever checks the blog knows I'm terrible at posting. So, I found some time while both girls were sleeping to do a little blogging binge and do the full update on how we're doing. So, check the last 2 posts to find out all about our little London girl. We love her and are so proud of Taylor the big sister!
Posted by Robyn & Aaron at 3:19 PM 3 comments